Section C is heavily involved in their “Chayal (bunk) war”! The bochurim were divided into three teams, “Chossid”, “Yirei Shomayim” and “Lamdon”- depicting the three directives to strive for. The themes are being expressed through speeches, songs and plays; with the climax at the grand sing taking place tonight!

Grade 5 had an amazing trip yesterday to “clip & climb”! Following the amazing obstacle course of climbing and balancing, the boys enjoyed a lavish picnic dinner before returning to camp.

Grade 6 campers were rewarded with their very own special breakfast event. The hardworking campers partook in the Mivtzah activities taking place throughout the season.

And of course, everyone’s favorite – sports, sports and more sports! Leagues are heavily involved in their teams’ accomplishments and enjoyment, with great sports throughout the day!