Chof Av was celebrated as befitting the auspicious day that it was. A rally was held in front of our very own 770- with Torah, Tefilla and Tzedakah performed by all! The spirit was amazing!
After an early dinner of breaded chicken, couscous and cole- slaw, campers headed to the shul. The shul was beautifully set up for our in house- concert held by Fitche Benshimon! The singing and dancing were magnified when the camp songs came on! Of course, candy and glowing wands were distributed; and a grand time was had by all. Campers headed to the dining room for Mariv, leaving the shul to section C to enjoy their very own concert!
Last night, when all was still, our hard-working staff were treated to a grand steak dinner – royally prepared for them by the head staff!
Section C is hard at work enjoying their bunk war- day 1 today!
Once again, trips begin today! Grade 5/section B are off! details to follow.