Entries for Scroll Participation

Displaying 61 - 80 of 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
Yitzchok Kamman Yitzchok Kamman 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992 Camp and the Rebbe
Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin MBE Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin MBE 1977 counsellor 1981,1982 truck driver Rabbi Beryl & Sima Mockin (special times)
Mendy Kasowitz Mendy Kasowitz '86, '87, '88, '89, '90, '91 as a camper. '93 Masmid Rabbi Mockin and the entire Mockin family. And Dr. and Mrs. Levine!
Betzalel Levin Betzalel Levin None  
Shabsie Yaakov Adler Shabsie Yaakov Adler Too long ago. Can't remember. Maybe 1946. In honour of Reb Mochkin and his family. Reb Mochkin was not only the Director of CGI, but even more importantly, my Rebbe and teacher. He is a true Chossid of the Rebbe in every sense of the word.
Berel Wolowik Berel Wolowik 1985 - 1993. Camper, Masmid, Waiter. Rabbi Mockin & family. Best camp in the world
Shlomo Feldman Shlomo Feldman 2013,2014,2015 Rabbi and Mrs. Mockin
Berel Wolvovsky Berel Wolvovsky 1989 camper, 1990 camper, 1991 camper, 1992 camper, 1996 waiter, 1997 counselor, 1998 counselor, 1999 waiter counselor  
Akiva Wagner Akiva Wagner 1978 le'erech 5776 5777 5778 Rabbi Berel Mockin
Velvel Reikhtman Velvel Reikhtman 2012 - Camper Rabbi and Mrs. Mockin
Mendel Dinerman Mendel Dinerman 2013 learning teacher 2014 learning teacher 2015 counselor  
Chassi Rivkin Chassi Rivkin 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 son as camper Feter Berel and my amazing Bubbe Guta Schapiro
Ben Okonov Ben Okonov 1987  
Mendel Nemanov Mendel Nemanov 1972 - 1991, camper, counselor, learning teacher, masmidim maggid shiur Rabbi and Mrs Mockin - Senior and Junior
Yechiel Vogel Yechiel Vogel 2017, 2018  
,משה בן אסתר ,רחל לאה בת מרים, Shur-Margolis ,משה בן אסתר ,רחל לאה בת מרים, Shur-Margolis 69-73,- camper, 75 - counselor, 80-82- co head counselor לזכות הילדה שירה העניא בת חי' מושקא
Shmuel Brook Shmuel Brook 2018 All Rivkin Ainiklach
mordechai wenger mordechai wenger 5747, 5748, 5752. learning teacher, mishnayos baal peh director, learning director rabbi and mrs mochkin l'arichus yomim v'shonim tovos!!
shimon wilhelm shimon wilhelm 2004, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015 - Camper, Counselor, PA Director, CGI Plus, ECAD  
Dovid Smetana Dovid Smetana 1975-1988 camper, counselor, truck driver and canteen manager Rabbi Berel Mockin
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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