Entries for Scroll Participation

Displaying 81 - 100 of 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
Adi Goodman Adi Goodman 1990- camper, 2002 - Sports director Rabbi Peretz Mockin when he was awake he was the best canteen director.
Shalom Moshe Paltiel Shalom Moshe Paltiel 1982, 1984, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990  
Mendel Goldstein Mendel Goldstein 1976-78 arts and crafts director Pesha Chaya bas Necha
Rabbi Abba and Rechy Paltiel Rabbi Abba and Rechy Paltiel In honor of Rabbi Yisroel and Liba Mockin for their dedication in developing happy children.  
David Cohen David Cohen 5732,5734-35 Possuk in honor of Rabbi Mockin
Nachman Mockin Nachman Mockin 1983-1992 Camper, 1995-2000 Staff  
Enav Murad Enav Murad ~1980  
Shlomie Lison Shlomie Lison 1989-2003  
YOSEF TEITLEBAUM YOSEF TEITLEBAUM Camper 2001-2006. L.T. 2011-2012. Learning directer 2015.  
Sholom Lew Sholom Lew 5757 Horav Berel Mockin and family
אלי ווייסבארד אלי ווייסבארד תשע"ג,ד - צבת  
Nissy Deitsch Nissy Deitsch Five years camper 5759-5763, Two years HC 5773-5774 Reb Yisroel & Reb Berel Mockin
Eli Wohlgemuth Eli Wohlgemuth first 5 years of the camps existance as a camper  
Elie Filler Elie Filler 2008 counselor, 2012 Learning director  
Mendy Cohen Mendy Cohen 1979-1985 לערך Rabbi and Mrs. Mockin
Lazer Perlstein Lazer Perlstein 2012  
Chaim Stern Chaim Stern 1998-2000, 2002 - Camper, 2011 - Learning Director, 2012 - Masmidim Director Rabbi & Mrs. Berel Mochkin & Rabbi & Mrs Yisrolik Mochkin and all of CGI Montreal
David Sabol David Sabol 1966 - 1975 Rabbi & Mrs Berel Mockin
Yossi Tayar Yossi Tayar 1995 Masmid  
Yisroel Chaim Shuchat Yisroel Chaim Shuchat 5774, 5775 counselor bunk gimmel my campers and Rabbi Berel Mockin
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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