Entries for Scroll Participation

Displaying 201 - 217 of 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
Zalmen Drizin Zalmen Drizin 1988, 89, 90 camper, 1991 masmidim  
Dovid Smetana Dovid Smetana 1975-1988 camper, counselor, truck driver and canteen manager Rabbi Berel Mockin
Akiva Wagner Akiva Wagner 1978 le'erech 5776 5777 5778 Rabbi Berel Mockin
Berel Wolvovsky Berel Wolvovsky 1989 camper, 1990 camper, 1991 camper, 1992 camper, 1996 waiter, 1997 counselor, 1998 counselor, 1999 waiter counselor  
Mendel Schusterman Mendel Schusterman 2017, 2018  
Hymie Fichtenbaum Hymie Fichtenbaum In honor of Rabbi Mockin  
Yitzchok Levin Yitzchok Levin Almost my whole life Rabbi and Mrs. Mockin and Dr. Levin
Yitzchok Lebovics Yitzchok Lebovics 1962, camper 1965, counselor bunk Alef, 1966, counselor bunk beis  
Peretz Mockin Peretz Mockin 1991  
Israel Motchkin Israel Motchkin 1981-89 Camper/Masmid, 1990-1997 Staff/Head Staff  
Gershon Sabol Gershon Sabol 1966 - 1978 camper, 1972 Pioneer, 73 office manager, 74- 76 counselor, 1977 program director, 1978 head counselor Rabbi and Mrs. Berl Mockin
Rabbi Mendel Cunin Rabbi Mendel Cunin n/1  
Shmuel (Ernest) Strauss Shmuel (Ernest) Strauss 1960-1962? camper Rabbi & Mrs. Mockin
Benjy silverman Benjy silverman 1982 camper, 1995-1999 counselor/head counselor Rabbi & Mrs B Mockin
Moishe y. Engel Moishe y. Engel 1961,1962,1963-camper 1964,1965,1966,1967,1968 -counsellor of bunk aleph 1969-pioneer counsellor 1970 -assistant head counsellor rabbi & mrs. mockin and the best camp in the world
Meir Gewirtz Meir Gewirtz 2003, 2004, 2007, 2014  
Shlomo Feldman Shlomo Feldman 2013,2014,2015 Rabbi and Mrs. Mockin
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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