Entries for Scroll Participation

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Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
yochonon goldman yochonon goldman 1992  
Zvi Katz Zvi Katz 1961- 1968 -----camper 1969-assisant kitchen manager 1970-1974---kitchen manager 1975 -assisant head counselor 1976-1977 ---head counselor Rabbi and mrs. Berel motchkin
Berel Wolowik Berel Wolowik 1985 - 1993. Camper, Masmid, Waiter. Rabbi Mockin & family. Best camp in the world
Shmuel Wagner Shmuel Wagner 2005-2006, camper. 2008, Masmid. 2012-2014, learning teacher and MBP. 2016, learning director The Rebbe
Schneur Mockin Schneur Mockin 1973-1990 Rabbi B. Mockin
leibel AND sARA RAIZEL WOLOWIK leibel AND sARA RAIZEL WOLOWIK sINCE I975 WE always had someone in camp(Up to seven)  
Peretz Mockin Peretz Mockin 2014, 15, 16 Camper 2017 Section C. Rabbi B. Mockin
Mendel Ginsberg Mendel Ginsberg 2012, 2013, 2014  
Sholom Lew Sholom Lew 5757 Horav Berel Mockin and family
Chaya Marlow Chaya Marlow Never  
Amos Hagege Amos Hagege 1986-1995 86-92 Camper, 93-94 CIT, 95 Kitchen staff  
Mendy Gniwisch Mendy Gniwisch 1997-2003 camper, 2007-2008 canteen  
Yehuda Geisinsky Yehuda Geisinsky 1998-2001  
avremel grossbaum avremel grossbaum 1970's - camper, A&C director, kitchen thief, etc. Rabbi Mochkin
Saulie Zajdel Saulie Zajdel 70's as camper and later as staff, mostly Lifeguard  
Yisrael & Esty Nemanov Yisrael & Esty Nemanov 1973 - 1980 Our dear 'Feter & Mume' - Rabbi Berel and Sima Mockin
Dov Muchnik Dov Muchnik Camper 1985-1992, Masmid 1993, counselor 1995-1999, Section C Head 2000, Head counselor 2001 Rabbis & Mrs Berel and Yisrolik Mockin
Shlomo Banon Shlomo Banon    
Leibel Fine Leibel Fine Camper: '92 '93 '94 '95 '96. Counselour: '00 '01 Masmidim Counselour: '05 In honour of the Head Shliach
Moshe L. Chanowitz Moshe L. Chanowitz 1968 -1978 counsellor and learning director Rabbi and Mrs Mockin
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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