Entries for Scroll Participation

Displaying 201 - 217 of 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
Berel Wolowik Berel Wolowik 1985 - 1993. Camper, Masmid, Waiter. Rabbi Mockin & family. Best camp in the world
Berel Majesky Berel Majesky 1994 - 2007  
Berel Cohen Berel Cohen 1993  
Berel Wolvovsky Berel Wolvovsky 1989 camper, 1990 camper, 1991 camper, 1992 camper, 1996 waiter, 1997 counselor, 1998 counselor, 1999 waiter counselor  
Benjy silverman Benjy silverman 1982 camper, 1995-1999 counselor/head counselor Rabbi & Mrs B Mockin
Ben Okonov Ben Okonov 1987  
Barry Bressler Barry Bressler around 1968-70 Rabbi Mockin
avremi schapiro avremi schapiro 92,93,94,95,98,99,00,01,02 Levi Deitsch A"H
avremel grossbaum avremel grossbaum 1970's - camper, A&C director, kitchen thief, etc. Rabbi Mochkin
Avi Gniwisch Avi Gniwisch Camper: 1994, 95, 96, 97, 98, Masmid: 2000, 01, Waiter: 2002, Canteen: 2003  
Aryeh Lavner Aryeh Lavner 2005-2008, 2013-2016.  
Ari Sperlin Ari Sperlin    
Amos Hagege Amos Hagege 1986-1995 86-92 Camper, 93-94 CIT, 95 Kitchen staff  
Akiva Wagner Akiva Wagner 1978 le'erech 5776 5777 5778 Rabbi Berel Mockin
Adi Goodman Adi Goodman 1990- camper, 2002 - Sports director Rabbi Peretz Mockin when he was awake he was the best canteen director.
Abraham Boyarsky Abraham Boyarsky camper Risha Esther Chai bas Chava Shoshana
,משה בן אסתר ,רחל לאה בת מרים, Shur-Margolis ,משה בן אסתר ,רחל לאה בת מרים, Shur-Margolis 69-73,- camper, 75 - counselor, 80-82- co head counselor לזכות הילדה שירה העניא בת חי' מושקא
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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