Entries for Scroll Participation

Displaying 1 - 20 of 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
Naphtaly Abenaim Naphtaly Abenaim 1990 camper 1993 camper 1994 camper 1996 Masmid 1997 Masmid 1998 counselor 1999 counselor 2000 counselor 2004 learning director  
L.Y. Abramowitz L.Y. Abramowitz 1970, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, Shmayonkey Rabbi and Mrs. Mockin
Shabsie Yaakov Adler Shabsie Yaakov Adler Too long ago. Can't remember. Maybe 1946. In honour of Reb Mochkin and his family. Reb Mochkin was not only the Director of CGI, but even more importantly, my Rebbe and teacher. He is a true Chossid of the Rebbe in every sense of the word.
Shlomo Banon Shlomo Banon    
Leibel Baumgarten Leibel Baumgarten 1972-1973-1974 In Honor of Rabbi & Mrs Berel Mochkin
Mendel Bendet Mendel Bendet 1988 camper, 1989 camper, 1991 masmid, 1992 masmid, 1994 learning teacher, 1996 learning teacher, 1997 counselor/learning teacher, 2000 masmidim teacher Rabbi and Mrs. Mockin
Levi Bendet Levi Bendet 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 camper Rabbi and Mrs. Mockin
eliyahu benshimon eliyahu benshimon camper-1988,89,90,91 masmin-93,94 learning teacher-97,98  
Moshe Bensimon Moshe Bensimon Camper '93-'98. Masmid '01. Waiter '02. ECAD '07 The great memories
Moshe Berkowitz Moshe Berkowitz 2007, 2008 Camper. 2009 Sec C.  
Reuven and Rochel Blecher Reuven and Rochel Blecher   Rabbi and Mrs Mockin
Abraham Boyarsky Abraham Boyarsky camper Risha Esther Chai bas Chava Shoshana
Chaim & Chanie Brand Chaim & Chanie Brand   Rabbi & Mrs. Mochkin
Barry Bressler Barry Bressler around 1968-70 Rabbi Mockin
Shmuel Brook Shmuel Brook 2018 All Rivkin Ainiklach
Yossi Bryski Yossi Bryski 1994 1995 1997 1998  
Chaim Elazar Hakohen Bryski Chaim Elazar Hakohen Bryski 1982-1995 off and on  
Shmuel Ceitlin Shmuel Ceitlin 2014,2016,2017  
Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom Dovber Ceitlin Rabbi & Mrs. Sholom Dovber Ceitlin 5768-5773  
Moshe L. Chanowitz Moshe L. Chanowitz 1968 -1978 counsellor and learning director Rabbi and Mrs Mockin
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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