Entries for Scroll Participation

Displaying 61 - 80 of 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
Mendel Goldstein Mendel Goldstein 1976-78 arts and crafts director Pesha Chaya bas Necha
Adi Goodman Adi Goodman 1990- camper, 2002 - Sports director Rabbi Peretz Mockin when he was awake he was the best canteen director.
Kyle Gordon Kyle Gordon none  
Yehuda Gottesman Yehuda Gottesman 1966-CITY,1967-Pioneer,1968-waiter,1970-counselor, 1971-1974-lifeguard  
Yehuda Gottesman Yehuda Gottesman 1966-CITY,1967-Pioneer,1968-waiter,1970-counselor, 1971-1974-lifeguard  
Nochum Greenwald Nochum Greenwald 2000 camper bunk yud 2001 bunk tes zayin, 2009 counselor bunk yud(co with Mendy Marlow) 2010 counselor Section C kevutza daled,2013 Masmidm counselor Rabbi Berel Mochkin, Rabbi Yisroel Mochkin and Rabbi Mendy Marlow.
avremel grossbaum avremel grossbaum 1970's - camper, A&C director, kitchen thief, etc. Rabbi Mochkin
Shmuel Aryeh Hackner Shmuel Aryeh Hackner Councillor 1999,2000 Rabbi Berel and Rabbi Yisroel Mochkin
Amos Hagege Amos Hagege 1986-1995 86-92 Camper, 93-94 CIT, 95 Kitchen staff  
Sholom Heidingsfeld Sholom Heidingsfeld 5755,5778,5779 , learning teacher, mbp, masmidim teacher  
Levi Hertzel Levi Hertzel Will attend 2018 3rd grade  
Mordy Hirsch Mordy Hirsch 90,91  
YY Hodakov YY Hodakov 5744 and 5745 (Masmid), 5753 (Masmidim staff), 5754 (Head Counselor)  
Mendel Inglis Mendel Inglis 2014,2015,2016 - Canteen Manager Menchem Mendel Ben Sarah & Sarah Shira Cahava Bas Yael
Yitzchok & Esther Raizel Jacobs Yitzchok & Esther Raizel Jacobs    
Levi Jaffe Levi Jaffe 1990, 1991 Masmidim Cnslr. best summers! Motchkin Family
Levi Yitzchak Kahn Levi Yitzchak Kahn Camper 1978, Learning teacher 1987-1988  
Mendy Kalmanson Mendy Kalmanson Camper-1974,75,76,77,78,79- Counslor-81,82,83- Head Counslor- 87,88 Rabbi Berel & Mrs mockin
Mendy Kalmanson Mendy Kalmanson late 70s and early 80s as a camper, late 80s as a counselor. My father help build and attended, my brothers and I attended, my sons attended The Rebbe's camp, Rabbi & Mrs. Berel Mockin (Camp Directors), Rabbi & Mrs. Yisroel Mockin (camp directors), and Dr. & Mrs. Moishe Levin (camp Doc)
Yitzchok Kamman Yitzchok Kamman 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992 Camp and the Rebbe
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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