Entries for Scroll Participation

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Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
Bryna Mockin Bryna Mockin Parshas Nasso Leiluy nishmas Breindel bas Rivkah A"h Breindel Bas Rivka Shetichyeh Mockin
Peretz and rivki Mockin Peretz and rivki Mockin 1998- Camp Directors
Nachman Mockin Nachman Mockin 1983-1992 Camper, 1995-2000 Staff  
Peretz Mockin Peretz Mockin 1991  
Israel Motchkin Israel Motchkin 1981-89 Camper/Masmid, 1990-1997 Staff/Head Staff  
Dov Muchnik Dov Muchnik Camper 1985-1992, Masmid 1993, counselor 1995-1999, Section C Head 2000, Head counselor 2001 Rabbis & Mrs Berel and Yisrolik Mockin
Chaim Yehoshua Munitz Chaim Yehoshua Munitz 2001 camper, 2002 camper, 2003 camper section c, 2007 counselor bunk alef, 2008 counselor section b, 2009 counselor section b, 2010 counselor section c, 2012 head counselor section c  
Enav Murad Enav Murad ~1980  
Yisrael & Esty Nemanov Yisrael & Esty Nemanov 1973 - 1980 Our dear 'Feter & Mume' - Rabbi Berel and Sima Mockin
Mendel Nemanov Mendel Nemanov 1972 - 1991, camper, counselor, learning teacher, masmidim maggid shiur Rabbi and Mrs Mockin - Senior and Junior
Levi New Levi New 1995 Rabbi Mociken and Tzach
Ben Okonov Ben Okonov 1987  
Dassie Rika Mushka Mendel Avrohom and Dovid Abba Okunov Dassie Rika Mushka Mendel Avrohom and Dovid Abba Okunov May you be blessed with Arichas Yomim Vshonim Tovos  
Rabbi Abba and Rechy Paltiel Rabbi Abba and Rechy Paltiel In honor of Rabbi Yisroel and Liba Mockin for their dedication in developing happy children.  
Shalom Moshe Paltiel Shalom Moshe Paltiel 1982, 1984, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990  
Lazer Perlstein Lazer Perlstein 2012  
Shmarya Plotkin Shmarya Plotkin 1980-1995 Camper, Counselor, Learning Teacher,Canteen,Truck Driver Devory, Chayale, Menachem, Rivkah, Sody, Levi, Yisroel Plotkin & Menachem 1st year in Gan Israel!!!
David Puterman David Puterman 2013 2014 camper  
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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