Entries for Scroll Participation

Displaying 1 - 20 of 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
מנחם מענדל קאנטאר מנחם מענדל קאנטאר camper the Rebbe's camp
אלי ווייסבארד אלי ווייסבארד תשע"ג,ד - צבת  
Saulie Zajdel Saulie Zajdel 70's as camper and later as staff, mostly Lifeguard  
Nssan Zaez Nssan Zaez 1967,1968.1969,1970 counselor  
Shalom Wrubel Shalom Wrubel    
Berel Wolvovsky Berel Wolvovsky 1989 camper, 1990 camper, 1991 camper, 1992 camper, 1996 waiter, 1997 counselor, 1998 counselor, 1999 waiter counselor  
Berel Wolowik Berel Wolowik 1985 - 1993. Camper, Masmid, Waiter. Rabbi Mockin & family. Best camp in the world
leibel AND sARA RAIZEL WOLOWIK leibel AND sARA RAIZEL WOLOWIK sINCE I975 WE always had someone in camp(Up to seven)  
Yitzchak Wolowik Yitzchak Wolowik 1975-1987 The Rebbe the was personaly involed in this camp.and Rabbi Berel & Rebbetzin Sima
Yitzchak Wolowik Yitzchak Wolowik 1975-1987 The Rebbe the was personally invoked in this camp.and Rabbi Berel & Rebbetzin Sima
Eli Wohlgemuth Eli Wohlgemuth first 5 years of the camps existance as a camper  
Chaya Wilschanski Chaya Wilschanski 20  
Tzali Wilschanski Tzali Wilschanski Multiple years as a camper late 80s early nineties. 2001 MBP direct learning teacher. 2004 learned my director. 2005 head counselor.  
Mendy Wilschanski Mendy Wilschanski 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, (Camper) 2009 (LT) 2010, (Counselor) 2011, (Sec. C, Counselor) 2013 & 2014 (Masmidim Director).  
shimon wilhelm shimon wilhelm 2004, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015 - Camper, Counselor, PA Director, CGI Plus, ECAD  
Dovid leib Wilansky Dovid leib Wilansky 1989 90 91 92 93 94 95 camper 96 97 masmid 98 generel staff 99 2000 learning teacher and canteen 01 02 canteen manager Malka baila bas rochel sheindel
Mendy Wilansky Mendy Wilansky 1988-1993, 1994, 2000-2001, camper, masmid, truck driver  
Schneur Zalman Wilansky Schneur Zalman Wilansky 2015-2017, camper  
Yisroel Tzvi Wilansky Yisroel Tzvi Wilansky 2017, camper  
Levi wilansky Levi wilansky 2001-2004 camper 2015 HC Rabbi yisroel Mockin
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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