Entries for Scroll Participation

Displaying 21 - 40 of 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
moishe y engel moishe y engel 1959 -1968 2 yrs camper 5 yrs counsellor bunk alef 1 year pioneer 1 year assistant head counsellor rabbi berl & seema mockin esp. in honor of mrs. mockin
Shmuel (Ernest) Strauss Shmuel (Ernest) Strauss 1960-1962? camper Rabbi & Mrs. Mockin
Zev (Wolf) Kaufman Zev (Wolf) Kaufman 1961 (in St. Agath)-1962 (in Lac Desert)- Camper. 1963- Junior Counselor. 1964-1966 - Water front supervisor Rabbi Berel Mockin
Zvi Katz Zvi Katz 1961- 1968 -----camper 1969-assisant kitchen manager 1970-1974---kitchen manager 1975 -assisant head counselor 1976-1977 ---head counselor Rabbi and mrs. Berel motchkin
Moishe y. Engel Moishe y. Engel 1961,1962,1963-camper 1964,1965,1966,1967,1968 -counsellor of bunk aleph 1969-pioneer counsellor 1970 -assistant head counsellor rabbi & mrs. mockin and the best camp in the world
Moshe Levin Moshe Levin 1962-camper. 1965-1966-counsellor. 1975-doctor. 1985-2013-doctor  
Yitzchok Lebovics Yitzchok Lebovics 1962, camper 1965, counselor bunk Alef, 1966, counselor bunk beis  
David Sabol David Sabol 1966 - 1975 Rabbi & Mrs Berel Mockin
Gershon Sabol Gershon Sabol 1966 - 1978 camper, 1972 Pioneer, 73 office manager, 74- 76 counselor, 1977 program director, 1978 head counselor Rabbi and Mrs. Berl Mockin
Yehuda Gottesman Yehuda Gottesman 1966-CITY,1967-Pioneer,1968-waiter,1970-counselor, 1971-1974-lifeguard  
Yehuda Gottesman Yehuda Gottesman 1966-CITY,1967-Pioneer,1968-waiter,1970-counselor, 1971-1974-lifeguard  
Dovid Aba Mochkin & family Dovid Aba Mochkin & family 1967- 1980, 1983-1984 camper, counselor, Learning Director, Our parents mesiras nefesh for camp!
Nssan Zaez Nssan Zaez 1967,1968.1969,1970 counselor  
Shloime Engel Shloime Engel 1968 - 1972 incl (Camper) Rabbi Berel Mockin for Gezunt & Arichas Yomim
Moshe L. Chanowitz Moshe L. Chanowitz 1968 -1978 counsellor and learning director Rabbi and Mrs Mockin
Yossi Davis Yossi Davis 1969-1975 as a camper, counselor & acrobat ! Rabbi & Mrs Mockin for giving me the best summers of my childhood !!!
yisroel rubin yisroel rubin 1970  
L.Y. Abramowitz L.Y. Abramowitz 1970, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, Shmayonkey Rabbi and Mrs. Mockin
avremel grossbaum avremel grossbaum 1970's - camper, A&C director, kitchen thief, etc. Rabbi Mochkin
Mendel Nemanov Mendel Nemanov 1972 - 1991, camper, counselor, learning teacher, masmidim maggid shiur Rabbi and Mrs Mockin - Senior and Junior
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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