Entries for Scroll Participation

Displaying 181 - 200 of 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
Yossi Wenger Yossi Wenger 1991-1998 Rabbi Berel Mockin
Dovid Smetana Dovid Smetana 1975-1988 camper, counselor, truck driver and canteen manager Rabbi Berel Mockin
Akiva Wagner Akiva Wagner 1978 le'erech 5776 5777 5778 Rabbi Berel Mockin
Pinchus Feldman Pinchus Feldman Late 1950's or early 60's Rabbi Berel mockin arichas yomim veshonim toivois
Shloime Engel Shloime Engel 1968 - 1972 incl (Camper) Rabbi Berel Mockin for Gezunt & Arichas Yomim
Mendy Goldberg Mendy Goldberg 1996 ,2000 ,2001 Children attend camp 2018,17,16,15,14, Rabbi Berel Mockin fro being the real Dugma Chaya for the campers and Staff
shmuel cohen shmuel cohen   Rabbi Berel Mockin שליט"א
moishe y engel moishe y engel 1959 -1968 2 yrs camper 5 yrs counsellor bunk alef 1 year pioneer 1 year assistant head counsellor rabbi berl & seema mockin esp. in honor of mrs. mockin
Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin MBE Rabbi Aryeh Sufrin MBE 1977 counsellor 1981,1982 truck driver Rabbi Beryl & Sima Mockin (special times)
avremel grossbaum avremel grossbaum 1970's - camper, A&C director, kitchen thief, etc. Rabbi Mochkin
Nussi Sternberg Nussi Sternberg 1984, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92 Rabbi Mochkin
Levi New Levi New 1995 Rabbi Mociken and Tzach
Barry Bressler Barry Bressler around 1968-70 Rabbi Mockin
Nechemia Deitsch Nechemia Deitsch Camper 83 and 87. Best Masmid 89. Best counselor 91-93 Rabbi Mockin
Reuben Dubrowfsky Reuben Dubrowfsky In honor of Rabbi Mockin Rabbi Mockin
Michoel Slavin Michoel Slavin Helped look for the grounds ;) Rabbi Mockin
Menel Rosenberg Menel Rosenberg Around 1960-1964 Rabbi Mockin
Berel Wolowik Berel Wolowik 1985 - 1993. Camper, Masmid, Waiter. Rabbi Mockin & family. Best camp in the world
Mendy Kasowitz Mendy Kasowitz '86, '87, '88, '89, '90, '91 as a camper. '93 Masmid Rabbi Mockin and the entire Mockin family. And Dr. and Mrs. Levine!
moshe ezagui moshe ezagui Late 1970 until the early 90s Rabbi Mockin my rebbi, my mentor, my mashpia,
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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