Entries for Scroll Participation

Displaying 101 - 120 of 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
אלי ווייסבארד אלי ווייסבארד תשע"ג,ד - צבת  
Koppel Cohen Koppel Cohen Didnt. Lezchus peretz mockin walnut creek, fl  
Shmuel Dovid Spalter Shmuel Dovid Spalter 1975-1981. Massmidim camper, counslour, division head, substitute truck driver  
Mendel Dinerman Mendel Dinerman 2013 learning teacher 2014 learning teacher 2015 counselor  
Zalmen Drizin Zalmen Drizin 1988, 89, 90 camper, 1991 masmidim  
Berel Wolvovsky Berel Wolvovsky 1989 camper, 1990 camper, 1991 camper, 1992 camper, 1996 waiter, 1997 counselor, 1998 counselor, 1999 waiter counselor  
Mendel Schusterman Mendel Schusterman 2017, 2018  
Hymie Fichtenbaum Hymie Fichtenbaum In honor of Rabbi Mockin  
Yitzchok Lebovics Yitzchok Lebovics 1962, camper 1965, counselor bunk Alef, 1966, counselor bunk beis  
Peretz Mockin Peretz Mockin 1991  
Israel Motchkin Israel Motchkin 1981-89 Camper/Masmid, 1990-1997 Staff/Head Staff  
Rabbi Mendel Cunin Rabbi Mendel Cunin n/1  
Meir Gewirtz Meir Gewirtz 2003, 2004, 2007, 2014  
Yossi Rubin Yossi Rubin 1990-92 camper,-3683 masmidim '93 70 th birthday of R' Yisroel Rubin- camper, counselor, and learning director
Shmuel Brook Shmuel Brook 2018 All Rivkin Ainiklach
Yisroel Rubin Yisroel Rubin 60's Berel mochkin
Bryna Mockin Bryna Mockin Parshas Nasso Leiluy nishmas Breindel bas Rivkah A"h Breindel Bas Rivka Shetichyeh Mockin
Yitzchok Kamman Yitzchok Kamman 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992 Camp and the Rebbe
Peretz and rivki Mockin Peretz and rivki Mockin 1998- Camp Directors
Shmarya Plotkin Shmarya Plotkin 1980-1995 Camper, Counselor, Learning Teacher,Canteen,Truck Driver Devory, Chayale, Menachem, Rivkah, Sody, Levi, Yisroel Plotkin & Menachem 1st year in Gan Israel!!!
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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