Entries for Scroll Participation

Displaying 121 - 140 of 217 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
Chassi Rivkin Chassi Rivkin 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 son as camper Feter Berel and my amazing Bubbe Guta Schapiro
Sholom Lew Sholom Lew 5757 Horav Berel Mockin and family
Leibel Baumgarten Leibel Baumgarten 1972-1973-1974 In Honor of Rabbi & Mrs Berel Mochkin
Shabsie Yaakov Adler Shabsie Yaakov Adler Too long ago. Can't remember. Maybe 1946. In honour of Reb Mochkin and his family. Reb Mochkin was not only the Director of CGI, but even more importantly, my Rebbe and teacher. He is a true Chossid of the Rebbe in every sense of the word.
Leibel Fine Leibel Fine Camper: '92 '93 '94 '95 '96. Counselour: '00 '01 Masmidim Counselour: '05 In honour of the Head Shliach
avremi schapiro avremi schapiro 92,93,94,95,98,99,00,01,02 Levi Deitsch A"H
Moshe Goldman Moshe Goldman 1993-95 camper, 1998 masmid, 1999 mashbak, 2001 counselor Levi Yitzchok ben Zalman Yuda Deitsch
yeruchem Lipszyc yeruchem Lipszyc 2005,2006,2007,(camper) 2012(life gaurdand half learning teacher) 2013 counselor Machane Leah Rivkah
Dovid leib Wilansky Dovid leib Wilansky 1989 90 91 92 93 94 95 camper 96 97 masmid 98 generel staff 99 2000 learning teacher and canteen 01 02 canteen manager Malka baila bas rochel sheindel
Mendel Inglis Mendel Inglis 2014,2015,2016 - Canteen Manager Menchem Mendel Ben Sarah & Sarah Shira Cahava Bas Yael
Levi Marlow Levi Marlow 2013 2014 mendy
Levi Jaffe Levi Jaffe 1990, 1991 Masmidim Cnslr. best summers! Motchkin Family
Yisroel Chaim Shuchat Yisroel Chaim Shuchat 5774, 5775 counselor bunk gimmel my campers and Rabbi Berel Mockin
Devorah Drew Devorah Drew   Our children
Yisrael & Esty Nemanov Yisrael & Esty Nemanov 1973 - 1980 Our dear 'Feter & Mume' - Rabbi Berel and Sima Mockin
Dovid Aba Mochkin & family Dovid Aba Mochkin & family 1967- 1980, 1983-1984 camper, counselor, Learning Director, Our parents mesiras nefesh for camp!
Mendel Goldstein Mendel Goldstein 1976-78 arts and crafts director Pesha Chaya bas Necha
David Cohen David Cohen 5732,5734-35 Possuk in honor of Rabbi Mockin
Yossi Davis Yossi Davis 1969-1975 as a camper, counselor & acrobat ! Rabbi & Mrs Mockin for giving me the best summers of my childhood !!!
Your Name First Last Year(s) attended camp I would like to make this in honor of:
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