Frequently Asked Questions

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Please contact your medical insurance company and ask if your son is covered out of the country in emergency. Most companies will cover that.  In the event of an emergency C”V, medical bills will be forwarded to the parents, to collect form the insurance company. Otherwise, you can purchase travel insurance on your own or through the camp for $30 per session. To order the camp travel insurance please email [email protected] and ask for your son to be added to the list.

Mazel Tov! Birthdays are announced in the dining room and the cake is then enjoyed by the bunk with a birthday celebration.

Please see our PDF below for more information and to schedule.

At the end of the first day of each session, parents will be receiving  a bunk list including the bunk number-by email.   Using your son’s bunk number, you can email your son through our site. We do our best to distribute all emails once a day. Please limit your emails to a maximum of 4 emails a week per camper.

Campers can order canteen one item a day. The suggested amount of money is $75 per session. You can send a US or Canadian check or cash with your son to camp and have him give to his counsellor. The money is deposited into his account, and the daily spending will be deducted accordingly. If you prefer to send the money ahead of time you can send it to the city office. During the summer you can always add to his account by sending payment to the camp city address.

Tips can be sent to the city address, with checks addressed to each staff member separately. We will distribute the tips accordingly. If a parent is coming for visiting day, it is best to distribute the tip directly while expressing appreciation to the staff members involved. Tip suggestions, are per session.

Waiter $35, Learning teacher $35, Counsellor $50

The learning director will work with you to find the right Bochur to hire as your son’s tutor. To make arrangements, please call camp on the second day of the session and leave a message for the learning director. Please note: tutoring will not be during learning classes, but rather during night activity, or on Shabbos; and will be for campers celebrating their Bar Mitzvahs within one month after camp. We strongly recommend that you don’t rely on camp time for Bar Mitzvah learning. The boys are very busy in camp. Please have your son ready before sending him off to camp to avoid last minute stress.

Our in house Laundromat is run by a wonderful full time staff, with machines large enough to clean a full bunk’s laundry at once. The laundry is done once a week; your son will need enough changes to last 8 days. The laundry is sorted by colored and white and taken to the Laundromat. It is returned to the bunk the next day, clean and folded. It is of utmost importance that every item sent to camp is labeled. Clothing that are not properly labeled cannot be divided.

Every bunk will have a calling activity twice a month. Due to many trips, runaways, and changes in schedule; the calling days will change bi-weekly. Campers will be encouraged to call their parents’ cell phones, from our long distance lines. No calling cards or toll free numbers are needed.  Please understand, they will not be forced to call but will be encouraged. There will be no calling activities during the first week of each session, to help give campers a chance to adjust. CGI appreciates the cooperation of all parents with the calling policy. Please do not call our office requesting an exception.

Financials – Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Income Summary

March 1, 2023 – February 28, 2024

Camp fees 91.4%
Donation 3.5%
Grants 5.1%
Total $2,117,816

Expense Summary

March 1, 2023 – February 28, 2024

Administration & Amortization – 14%
Groceries – 20.9%
Recreation & Salaries – 28.4%
Transportation & Other Expenses – 36.7%
Total – 100%

6.2.1 Politique de tarification modulée
Taille du ménage
Seuils de faible revenu annuel brut (avant impôt) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jusqu’à 28 641$ $   40%   40% 40% 45% 45% 50% 50% Pourcentage de réduction sur le prix régulier de l’inscription (rabais)
28 641$ à 40 504$ 40% 40% 45% 45% 50% 50%
40 504$ à 49 608$ 40% 40% 45% 45% 50%
49 608$ à 57 282$ 40% 40% 45 50%
57 282$ à 64 043$ 40% 45% 50%
64 043$ à 70 156$ 45% 50%
70 156$ à 75 777$ 50%

Board of Directors-CGI -as 0f Dec 2023

Berech Mockin – President
Israel Mockin – Administrator, Treasurer
Menachem Mendel Marlow – Secretary
Meir Plotkin – Director only
Isaac Gniwisch – Director only
Nechama Dina Gurary – Director only