All sections piled into the shul for the second in house entertainment of the season! World renowned Mentalist Ilan Smooth made the long trip to Canada-and had the campers at the edge of their seats, trying to figure out “how did he know that?”. A great evening was enjoyed by all!
Section C bochurim were treated to a special Mivtzah event- prepared beautifully by their devoted staff. The bochurim enjoyed the late night event of Banquettes and cold cuts with all the trimmings! A great way to encourage positive “hochlotas” on a daily bases.
The entire staff celebrated the birthday of Rabbi Shalom Ber Cohen with a huge farbrengen in his honor. Mazel Tov Rabbi Cohen!
Shabbos is always special in camp! Looking forward to a lively, and inspiring shabbos iy”h.
Good Shabbos!