The nine days are over and the buses are back on the road bh! While sections A and B+ got to enjoy our sports fields, lake and pool, sections B and C were out all day.
Section B (grade 5) left early Monday morning for a full day trip to Ottawa, Ontario! They appreciated seeing the many famous landmarks, as well as enjoying some great activity in the Ottawa Trampoline park. They returned late last night after a full day of great fun and interesting stops.
Section C enjoyed an amazing day of white water rafting followed by a special restaurant meal in the Cavendish Mall food court. They too returned quite late last night after an incredible day.
Camp had a bit of a late start today for the benefit of those that needed to catch up on some much needed sleep! Have a great day!
Mazel tov to Sholom Schwartz of Brookline Massachusetts, upon his Hanochas Tefillin, being celebrated in camp here today; surrounded by his family and and friends. Mazel tov to the entire family!