Shabbos Nachamu was celebrated to its fullest! The Chayos, and spirit throughout shabbos was amazing, along with the Mishnayon bal Peh, Seder Niggunim and of course Shmaryunki!
Sunday brought a sunny brisk day – filled with great sports and activity.
Excitement is in the air, as all campers and staff await the grand-staff-outdoor-play, tonight. The stage is being set with lots of building and drawing in anticipation for what will be a great performance.
We are pleased to share the names of our Talmidim that were chosen as Talmid Hashavua for last week.
א’ Avraham Potash
ב’ Shua Konikov
ג’ Levi Landa
ד’ Ezzy Goldstein
ה’ Dovid Friedman
ו’ Motty Okonov
ז’ Moishy Shur
ח’ Motti Sosover
ט’ Shmuel Simpson
י’ Elye Fischer
י”א Michael Samama
י”ב Yaakov Marmulszteyn
י”ג Yehoshua Gellman
י”ד Dovid Segal
ט”ו Menachem Mendel Shusterman
ט”ז Menachem Blasberg
י”ז Shimon Geisinsky
י”ח Shmuli Pelman
י”ט Meir Nussbaum
כ’ Yosef Landa
כ”א Levi Schmukler
כ”ב Yosef Yitzchak Bensimon
כ”ג Yitzy Vidal
כ”ד Avraham Fischer
כ”ה Yehoshua Piekarski
כ”ו Yanky Lipskier
כ”ז Levi Kahan