Staff bid their farewells at their very own banquet last night. Memories were shared, gammon were sung, and honors were mentioned; with a special menu prepared for them by our kitchen staff.
After packing up, campers and staff enjoyed the grand banquet this Afternoon with a special shnitzel lunch. All honors were mentioned including Mizhnayos Bal Peh, Kluger, sports and bunk competition.
Sadly our buses are starting to roll out of camp. Bus arrival reminders:
Montreal buses: Yeshiva 6405 Westbury, Monday, August 26 – 7 pm
NY buses: President and Kingston, Tuesday, August 27- 8 am
All parents (of campers) were sent several reminder emails. If you did not receive an email, your son is not reserved for any of these buses. If we are aware of any significant time changes, we will do our best to update parents by email.