As the buses were pulling in after overnights, campers unpacked showered and rested after an incredible overnight and trip.
While they were settling in, section C was occupied in building, painting, costume making, song and speech writing, in preparation for their very own grand sing. Campers of all three teams of “Adoneinu”, “Moreinu” and “Rabbeinu” gave it their all! The grand sing, was a site to see; lebedik, and intense, with a warm feeling of Achdus!
Section C did not waste any time, and were off – bright and early this morning, on another amazing trip.
A beautiful sunny day here in camp, welcomes a full day of sports and water activities for the rest of camp.
We would like to suggest, that at this point of the season, you stop sending letters or packages to camp from the states, as they may arrive after camp is over. We have had quite a few of these situations in the past years, and wanted to give parents advance warning. As you are well aware, this Sunday is visiting day; a great opportunity to bring or send your son any last minute things you may want him to have.