Color war -better known as Hiskashrus war continues. After two amazing plays from teams Avinu (the Rebbe Being our father) and Malkeinu (the Rebbe being our king) were performed with great toichen, talent and suspense; preparations are ongoing for the grand sing tonight!
Early this morning section C headed out on their two-day trip-filled with many exciting stops including a hotel overnight stay!
We are happy to share the names of boys who were chosen as Talmid Hashavua for this past week. Wishing all the parents lots of Nachas!
Class Alef Shaya Kaplan
Class Beis Schneur Blesofsky
Class Gimmel Zalmy Reinitz
Class Daled Mendel Prus
Class Hey Meir Zajac
Class Vov Boruch Zalmanov
Class Ches Avraham Abramowitz
Class Tes Shmuel Cohen
Class Yud Yosef Hendel
Class Yud Alef Refael Pekar
Class Yud Beis Yisroel Goldstein
Class Yud Gimmel Menachem Weinstein
Class Yud Daled Shmuel Fridman
Class Tes Zayin Samuel Argueta
Class Yud Zayin Levi Hurwitz
Class Yud Ches Nussy Katz
Class Yud Tes Ezra Lezell
Class Chof Mordechai Yarmush
Class Chof Alef Yitzchok Bendet
Class Chof Beis Mendel Pape
Class Chof Gimmel Levi Weingarten
Class Chof Daled Moshe Shur
Class Chof Hey Shneur Kotlarsky
Class Chof Vov Moshe Eli Shpigelman