Last night, after an amazing sunny day of sports, water activities, and lots of learning, the shul was literally shaking from the enthusiasm and spirit! When our CGI family and Eli Marcus and Fitche Bensimon get together it is an event not to be missed. The talented singer took the long trip up to camp along with Musician Fitche Bensimon; and their combined talent had every camper on his feet. The concert was a combination of the famous Marcus songs, camp songs and of course niggunim, accompanied by amazing backdrop videos. Every camper was treated to popcorn and a cold water bottle to keep them going for the duration of the show. Stay tuned for lots of pictures.
After the younger sections were dismissed from the shul, section C remained behind as Eli shocked them with his break out of BUNK WAR! Section C is now in a zone of their own, as campers were divided into teams, given names and themes! We look forward to a two day war of unity and chayos; bringing out the amazing talent these young bochurim posses.
Early this morning bunks Zayin and Yud Tes headed out to go-karting as reward for wining shabbos competition. Congratulations to all our winners.
Mazel Tov to Mendel Shusterman upon his Bar Mitzvah; celebrated here in camp with family and friends. Mazel tov to Moshe Zwiebel and Avremel Labkowski, upon their hanochas tefillin which took place in camp. camp Simchas are always special!