Early in the evening, campers returned from a full day in Montreal’s Six-Flags-La Ronde after a great sunny day, enjoying the rides and fun the park has to offer. Campers and staff headed straight to the shul for Mariv, where they were greeted by a quick color war break out, and the division of teams, Ahavah and Yirah, as well as general entrances etc. Color war is certainly in the air, with signs and banners hanging throughout the grounds; and campers dressed according to their team color. A great two day color war lies ahead iyh.
Section C campers and staff were bused to La belle for their play grand off game of the season. In a well lit baseball field the campers were served hot soup, fresh doughnuts, and more; as they enjoyed the intense and exciting baseball game! The staff outdid themselves in arranging the amazing outing.