Our hardworking staff were treated to an enjoyable “evening-of appreciation” last night. After a great pizza dinner in the Cavendish mall food court, the staff enjoyed their relaxing time together in the great pools and hot tubs at the “Strom Spa Nordique”. Here in camp, campers were sure to be at their best behavior, as the head staff kept them very busy with supper, sports and a smooth lights out.
Early this morning bunk Beis were off to their very own runaway across the lake, enjoying breakfast and tubing!
After a lively Shabbos, with many bunks coming really close, the winners of Shabbos competition are, Bunks Daled, Yud Gimmel, Yud Daled, and Tes Vov. Congratulations to all the hardworking campers and staff involved! Bunk Daled were treated to banana boating on our very own lake, and the others are leaving to Go-Karting following lunch today iyh.