CGI is honored to welcome Rabbi Wagner along with his talmidim as our masmidim in camp. Looking forward to a season a learning on our wonderful grounds iyh! Lots of Hatzlacha!

Section C returned last night after an amazing trip. The section was split in half, half went to rope course, and the other half to paintball shooting (will alternate again next week so that every camper has a chance to do both). They returned to camp for a grand barbecue followed by late evening sports and more. It was another great day for our section C campers bh!

Many bunks enjoyed special late nights last night including the computer room, a grand gaga game, dodge balls and two minutes free in canteen.

This morning – bright and early bunks Tes, Yud Zayin and Chof beis were off camp grounds for a runaway. Buns Tes ran to the other side of the lake for a picnic breakfast and tubing while the others were driven to La Belle. Campers all returned to camp on time for learning classes.

CGI would like to wish the Dalfin family mazel tov upon Yanky’s Bar Mitzvah celebrated here in Camp with family and friends BH. We look forward to celebrating many bar mitzvahs and hanochas tefillin here in camp throughout the summer iyh. Lots of Nachas!