Erev Shabbos was once again welcomed with a special, fresh-homemade-jumbo-chocolate-chip-cookie & warm potato kugel for all campers and staff. A real taste of home for all! The first shabbos of the second month was one of extremely high energy levels!
“Mivtza Tefilaseinu” was relaunched for second month. A curriculum especially curated and published for this summer here in CGI. Each week the campers study one portion of davening, learning the meaning of each word, the history behind the paragraph and the order of its placement in davening. Each week a test is administered, and kids are rewarded for their hard efforts.
Bunk vov, tes and chof gimmel won shabbos competition.
Section C had an epic “Pizza Mivtzah event” as a special Melave Malka for all the bochrim that put int the work. Another amazing event bh!
Mazal Tov to Yossi Deitsch from Ambler PA, on his Hanachas Teffilin this morning. Mazel Tov to Levi Altein from Crown Heights, upon his Bar Mitzvah. Both simchas were celebrated here in camp with family and friends.
The building has begun- across the kick ball field! Staff is hard at work for the upcoming legendary staff outdoor play. Stay tuned.