Color war 5782 – better known as “Milchemes Chof” began on Chof Av. The opportune theme is being well brought out through songs, theme speeches and entertaining plays. The teams of Mesiras Nefesh and Limmud Hachasidus – both express the greatness of Reb Leivik. The play expressing mesiras nefesh for Yiddishkeit, kept within a family for generations- from the Spanish inquisition to America today, really brought the theme home. From morning to night, campers are enjoying every moment of color war – awaiting the highlight taking place tonight-the grand sing.
In the meantime, section C is on the road enjoying their two-day grand trip. The nonstop excitement includes breakfast on a cruise, ice skating, jet boating, overnight hotel stay and much more. No detail was left undone, down to the last Danish and fresh doughnuts. The staff and campers are having an absolute blast!