The shul was roaring with excitement – as all departments of camp; Sections A, B, B+, C and Masmidim enjoyed the lively concert performed by Baruch S. Blesofsky along with Musician Fitche benshimon. The lights, the action, the dancing and the singing, were a site to see! CGI Thanks the two talented performers for taking the long trip to camp for this incredible event.
Section C, was shocked with the break out of Bunk War following the concert. Campers quickly ran to their Zal for the division of teams and general entrances. For the next 2 days, Section C will be totally immersed in this intense war between the three teams. Best of luck to all the teams.
Once again, our hardworking staff, were given a token of appreciation with a grand steak-barbecue- event last night. The head staff prepared a lavish menu of mini burgers, steaks, Chicken and beef skewers, homemade rolls, and so much more. The event went on late into the night and was enjoyed by all with a great feeling of Achdus.
This morning bunks Alef and Yud Beis went Go-Karting, as a reward for winning “Shabbos competition” last Shabbos! Congratulations to the hardworking bunks!
Overnights are in the air! Campers are excited to get packing and out, after lunch today! Looking forward to an exciting overnight and trip for campers in sections A, B and B+.