Shabbos Mevorchim Menachem Av was quite special. Tehillim had an amazing turnout with delicous Danish incentive to help along – sponsored in honor of Shmuel Karnowsky by his parents!

Sunday brought some great activity.

Section C Kayaked to Lac Dessert mini Golf, and alternated between kayaks and shuttling back to camp.

Grade 4 headed out for their very invigorating trip to “Clip N Climb” where each boy showed his brave climbing ability at great heights.

Grade 5 had an endless day of outings, starting with Tyroparc, followed by mini golf and a special stop along the way to purchase soda!

Campers returned to camp to join the rest of camp for an early burgers and Fries dinner – before Rosh Chodesh sets in- our last Fleishig dinner before the nine days!