Talmid Hashavua Section C Week #5

  1. Sholom Goldstein
  2. Menny Rodal
  3. Issac Weinberg
  4. Eli Shneur
  5. Yosef Yitzchak Bakshi
  6. Arele Winterfeld
  7. Nochum Benjaminson
  8. Yosef Geisinsky
  9. Moshe Freidman
  10. Mendel Matusof
  11. Dovid Wolosov
  12. Mordechai Schmerling


Mazel tov to Chaim Krispine from Pomona, NY,  upon his Hanochas Tefillin Celebrated here in camp with family and friends.

Mazel Tov to Mendel Okunov of Crown Heights upon his Bar Mitzvah celebrated in camp with family and friends. Lots of Nachas to both families!