After an incredible Shabbos, campers were preparing to greet their guests on our second visiting day of the season.

Thanks to all the family and guests that made the trip up to our beautiful home here in La Minerve. On a glorious sunny day, families enjoyed meeting the staff, seeing the bunks and grounds, partaking from our delicious canteen, enjoyed our lakefront, and of course the CGI choir and acrobat performance!

Today, Chof Av, section C just experienced a surprising break out for their very own Bunk War. Teams were divided, and the young generals, mashpiyim, captains and lieutenants were introduced.

A rally is scheduled for today in front of our very own 770- in honor of this auspicious day.

We are pleased to share the list of campers chosen as Talmid Hashavua for last week’s learning classes. Lots of Nachas!

א’     Shlome Zwiebel

ב’     Shmuel Pinson

ג’     Yosef Plotkin

ד’     Chaim Blokh

ה’     Mordechai Yarmush

ו’      Eliezer Wenger

ז’      Mendel Baitelman

ח’    Meir Zarchi

ט’     Zalman Lein

י’      Meir Sosover

י”א   Mendel Lightstone

י”ב   Eli Habibian

י”ג    Dovid Wolosow

י”ד   Yossi Torenheim

ט”ו   Menachem Mendel Hetsrony

ט”ז  Shalom Goldstein

י”ז    Binyamin Gavin

י”ח   Dov Weitman

י”ט   Yosef Geisinsky

כ’     Motti Brook

כ”א  Moshe Lavner

כ”ג   Yoni Edelkopf

כ”ד  Zalmi Gopin

כ”ה  Shneur Schanowitz

כ”ו   Yaakov Cohen

כ”ז   Levi Medina