CGI warmly welcomes Rabbi Wagner and his yeshiva to camp. Our Masmidim are a constant example for all of us. We look forward to a very successful program iyh.
Under partially sunny skies campers enjoyed a great day of activities; sports, boating and all the rest. The lake beamed with color as campers enjoyed a long awaited day out on the water!
Our first grade trip was off yesterday! Grade 6 were out all day for a great trip to white water rafting! A great time was enjoyed by all and they returned to join the camp for a delicious dinner of burger and fries with all the trimmings!
When all was still last night section C was treated to a very special event – prepared by the staff and head staff. The special schnitzel evening called “Welcome To Israel” was a chance for each camper in section C to feel and taste Israel with all the props and backdrops added by our staff!
Please view the calling schedule once again, as there have been some time changes. We will do our best to help campers catch up on missed calls, when necessary.
Thanks to our wonderful photographers and office staff the pictures are up and running. Feel free to browse them daily and enjoy the excitement here in CGI!
Section A is out today on their special grade trip. Stay tuned for details tomorrow iyh.