After an incredible Shabbos, with farbrengens, nigunim, mishnayus Bal Peh and of course lively meals, we headed into another packed week with an exciting start. Sunday afternoon every bunk had a chance to enjoy the special activity spread out on the lawn in front of the lake. The original bow-and- arrow game, was enjoyed by campers of all ages. Of course the intensity increased with age, as teams played hard to win, dressed in helmets and face guards, running and hiding between inflatable rocks and mountains. A great in house activity as we stay on camp grounds during the nine days.

Last night, our chashuvah masmdiim treated us to the grand masmidim play! Campers excitedly packed the shul bleachers to enjoy the entertainment, prepared, and acted by our Toronto Masmidim. Much thanks for the hard work that went into preparing the great production!

Mazel Tov to Moshe Eli Soffer upon his Hanochas Tefillin celebrated here in camp with family and friends. Lots of Nachas to the entire Soffer family!

Yesterday was quite an exciting day here in CGI! Klohda productions pulled into camp with several thrilling inflatable games for the campers to jump, slide, and climb on. In addition to that, we had the amazing “Reptizoo” staff visit us along with many reptiles to entertain us, explain the animals and give us a chance to feel and know the animals. Campers alternated between the jumping, animal show and great sports, so that every camper had the chance to do all three activities. What a day!

We would like to welcome our new, most exciting room in camp; the new and restocked game room; located in the basement of the newly expanded condo. The game room has become a very popular late- night activity destination.

Looking forward to the first Shabbos of second trip along with all our new campers. Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Yesterday, Section C was treated to a special breakfast-event prepared for them by their hardworking staff. A lavish breakfast spread was prepared in a beautifully decorated dining room with a special menu just for them!

This morning, the entire staff are invited to their very own “breakfast staffe”’ – giving them some time to relax, farbreng,  and enjoy being together, with a perfect breakfast menu. Pictures to follow.  

First day of second session took off with a great start bh. All buses arrived from NY, Montreal, Toronto and the airport within record timing BH. Campers were introduced to their new bunkmates and helped one another settle in. With no time to waste, we enjoyed a full day of great activities under a perfectly sunny sky! Learning classes were introduced and settled in as well. The sounds of learning was heard throughout camp as campers adjusted to their new classes really well bh.

Feel free to email your son through our website, be sure to indicate his bunk number based on the email you received yesterday. We do our best to distribute all emails once a day.

Calling days begin once again today, based on the calling day schedule posted on our site. Please understand, your son is not forced to call and he may choose to miss some of his calling opportunities. We do our best to provide every bunk with the time needed for each camper to call home. We have a devoted staff member assist with the calling and help capers that are in need of assistance.

Mazel Tov to Mendy Pels upon his Hanochas Tefillin celebrated here in camp with family and friend.

Mazel Tov to Shalom Dovber Abrahams upon his bar mitzvah celebrated here in camp with lots of family coming from far and near and his bunkmates.

Lots of nachas to both families

Last night’s mini banquet was quite lively, emotional and of course tasty. Our kitchen staff outdid themselves with the delicious lasagna dinner! Most bunks celebrated with special late nights and good by celebrations for their departing friends.

Early this morning our new campers have begun arriving in camp with the Toronto bus and NY bus being the first to pull in.  The new session will begin once the buses pull out to the airport, NY and Montreal iyh and the rest of our buses arrive. 

There will be no calling today. Campers will be assigned to their new bunks before lunch  and will have some time to settle in. Each parent will receive an email this evening with his son’s bunk list and class list, including counselors and teachers. Please take note of the bunk number.  Once you have the new list, you can check our website for the calling schedule. Campers are not forced to call, but are given the opportunity to do so.

Looking forward to another amazing session here in CGI!

The last Shabbos of first session was very special, as camp songs were sung and we sadly began bidding farewell to our departing campers.  The hardworking winners of Shabbos competition are off to go karting today, bunks Yud Alef, Chof Alef and Chof gimmel.

Early this morning, a sea-plane landed at our docks. All campers in the winning bunks of bunk competition and learning-class competition were rewarded with an invigorating flight over our grounds, lake and the surrounding areas! Our lucky bunk competition winners were bunks Daled, Yud and Yud Tes. Learning class competition winners were: Rabbi Cohen’s class, Rabbi Haim’s class, and Rabi Ezaqui’s class. In section C, Kevutzh yud won the ride for clean-up-competition, and for Kluger competition Rabbi Avi Cunin’s learning class.

Early this morning bunk Yud Daled were treated to a runaway boat ride across the lake, with breakfast and tubing. 

Today, Sunday, we are busy with kluger and league finals; both are quite exciting and tough competitions.

If your son is coming home at the end of first session, please notice your email reminder, for his return details at the end of the session.

Bog war ended last night after we enjoyed three amazing plays! Campers went to sleep last night after an amazing day with a lot of Toichen and entertainment to digest!

Early this morning following davening and a delicious breakfast, campers were loaded onto the buses for a full day grand trip.   We will not have Calling day today! Please don’t wait to hear from your son.

Bog War is here! The two day peaceful war has brought out the best spirit in each campers and staff member. The davenings, line ups, songs and benching are being heard way beyond our grounds. Member of all three teams, Eidus, Chukim and Mishpatim, have been enjoying the scavengers, songs, races and IYH today grand plays of all three teams.

Calling time is on as usual; however if you miss the call from your son, please understand he may have felt too busy to get to the phone. No camper is forced to call during calling day, but they are offered the opportunity.

Mazel Tov to Shneur Zalman Gerlitzky and Mendy Brod for their Hanochas Tefillin celebrated here in camp with family and friends. Lots of Chassidish Nachas to both families!

Section C, had a very special event last night, royally prepared for them by their devoted staff. The outdoor “Shishkabab” event was enjoyed by all!

Masmidim took a well-deserved brief break out of camp, on a great trip to rope course- S. Sauveur!

Always nice to have the “Twins-from-France” back in La Minerve! Last night the in house entertainment had all sections of camp fully involved in the amazing act they performed! The achdus and Chayus in the shul were tangible! Browse pictures for more on the great entertainment!


Our hardworking staff were treated to an enjoyable “evening-of appreciation” last night. After a great pizza dinner in the Cavendish mall food court, the staff enjoyed their relaxing time together in the great pools and hot tubs at the “Strom Spa Nordique”. Here in camp, campers were sure to be at their best behavior, as the head staff kept them very busy with supper, sports and a smooth lights out.

Early this morning bunk Beis were off to their very own runaway across the lake, enjoying breakfast and tubing!

After a lively Shabbos, with many bunks coming really close, the winners of Shabbos competition are, Bunks Daled, Yud Gimmel, Yud Daled, and Tes Vov. Congratulations to all the hardworking campers and staff involved! Bunk Daled were treated to banana boating on our very own lake, and the others are leaving to Go-Karting following lunch today iyh.