Entries by Liba

Best in learning classes!

We are pleased to share our list of campers that excelled in learning class the first week of camp.”Talmid hashavuah” are campers that were chosen as being the best in the class for the week, and “Chayal hashavuo” have shown great progress. Lots of nachas! We look forward to share good news about your son here in […]

Grade 6 trip & Section C sports drafts & Email reminder

Grade 6 had an amazing trip yesterday to “bouncing”. If your son had calling day on Sunday and is in grade 6, his calling will be rescheduled for this afternoon iyh (Monday). Today, section A and  Grade 5 are leaving on a trip. Any bunks that are scheduled to call today, and will be out […]

Special Shabbos Gimmel Tammuz & Visiting Day Bus

Our first Shabbos in camp was very special.  Rabbi Shimi Weinbaum graced us with his presence over Shabbos and farbrenged with every section of camp several times. Rabbi Weinbaum spoke in each dining room and shul, inspiring us all with stories and teachings of the Rebbe. The staff farbrengen was well attended and enjoyed.  Thank you Rabbi Weinbaum […]

Section C Outing & how to view the calling schedule

Section C returned all smiles after a great trip to “Isulte”  trampoline park followed by a special pizza dinner in the famous “Pizza Pita” shop. The spirit was high – and a great time was enjoyed by all. This morning, bunk Yud Ches is out of camp on a “runaway” across the lake, enjoying a picnic […]

In house-E, phone calls from your son

We enjoyed an amazing day of sports and activity ending with a great evening of entertainment.  The shul was bursting with excitement as all departments of camp were at the edge of their seats watching “Adam Realman” performed the most daring stunts.  Last night – when all was still, our devoted staff members were given […]

Off To a Great Start!

Campers look like they have been here for a while! BH campers settled and unpacked into their bunks nicely. After a delicious supper of meatballs and spaghetti and a well deserved early night sleep, we are enjoying a great day of sports under a sunny sky. The lakefront is buzzing with activity and playing fields full […]

Registration underway

Registration has been quite busy since opening on January 15, 2016. Please give us at least a month to contact you regarding acceptance.